Getting in Shape with PMF

When getting in shape many people a journey very similar to product market fit.   Let’s follow the parallels! 

  1. Define the goal.

    Lose 20 pounds, add muscle definition, fit into a certain clothing item, be ready for event. (Set up the strategy and measure for success)

  2. Plan the road to the goal. 

    Workout plans, eating plans, sleeping plans, removing triggers that might block you.  (define the build plan) 

  3. Execute, measure, refine the plan. 

    Did this week’s strength workouts leave you unable to sleep?  Did you do a lot of cardio and not see the scale move in weeks? Did you find that removing a certain food trigger overeating another food? Assess and refine. (track and learn) 

  4. Ask for input. 

    Check to see if you are lifting weighs properly. Ask about food swaps for cravings. Take the compliment for progress “hey did you lose some weight?”  Yes, yes I did and here is what I am doing…you might get a great tip! (user feedback) 

  5. Persevere. 

    You hit a plateau (happens to most trying to lose weight).  Stop and assess your plan.  Are you not adding weigh to your reps? Are you slipping in your sleep hours? Did you add back in a snack or two after seeing progress? (Refine the plan) 

  6. Recommit to the goal. 

    Even as progress continues, you need to keep the commitment and watch for fatigue.  Celebrate the win (50% of weight loss goal achieved!) and look at the benefits.  (Measure and report to the measure of success like KPIs)

  7. Prep for the goal. 

    You are almost there at that goal weight.  What does this mean for your wardrobe? Do you have new clothes that fit the new you (and remove those things too big now so you don’t easily go back).  Did you learn what foods you need to be careful of overeating? Do you have a workout plan that will keep you at the goal that is sustainable (the journey to lose might have been more than you can do long term just like the amount of development staff you use in a build verses after build). (Product launch planning)

  8. Hit the goal! 

    You are in that great outfit at the big event and you look great! Celebrate your achievement! Now the next phase comes where you need to have a maintenance and monitor plan to keep this new look.  (client input, enhancement planning, maintenance of the product)

Here you are making yourself (and your product) fit!


The Magnificent Seven


Interviewing for Product Roles